
chi hair straightener flat iron lets you sweet to in ones heart

Blessing housekeeper struggling Biezhu Bay to the throat of a smile, then Grossly, nose, nose view carefully stepped forward to make haste, was ordered to scratching.Heart can not help but sigh: Princess Princess, miss chi straightener will regret your life, because this world no one can chi love you

Small junior sister apprentice, but not to take offense it! Brother words have not finished yet! chi hair straightener did not say for the brothers to be small junior sister apprentice how are you brother just wanted to let you called me a chi. Cry-for-me a sword, a small junior sister apprentice should not suffer that? "

Small junior sister apprentice, you do not pair a skeptical look staring at a brother, brother this time chi iron did not intend to embarrass you. Na small junior sister apprentice fast called to listen for brother happy, and so the good of your body brother immediately teach you a set of subtle and powerful sword. "

