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Although at the time that someone felt a little frustrated, but then looked at a lot of players out of the city were killed in Chuansong Zhen after the resurrection, everyone's mood is so cool. Would also have the same level of the players and their own, a city back after so lower than their previous one, any who think about it, will feel comfortable right mood! Those killed to more than forty-class players, had also thinking of revenge. Organized a large number of people out of the city and then sent back together after more than cheap nike air max 90 to be honest. Thus, a group of more than forty-level players to think Blue could not stay away from the town since that air max 90 go Yin wind town better.

So Ji small words air max 1 return once again to the city of those players after the resurrection of these players honest. Either directly to other senior town and then went lower town to upgrade, or to save money, frankly, to stay away from the town blue. Therefore, the blue from the town to be completely Michael Kors bags desolate. But it also created directly from the town in the Blue Miles Yunteng a single large! Else air max 90 another place, right? Novel network without error. Ji small words looked nightmare foil displaced offered. Are you saying that the wind Yin town?

Where far from here!air max 90, Ji small words and nodded. Blue monster from out of town most of fifty or more, only a very small part of the forty eighty-nine, but then a little bit of resources is certainly not enough to slaughter so many players. So, usually blue from the town basically forty-eight players to come here more before mixing. The entire Southern continent, forty-eight players can there? And assigned to the blue came from the town but also how much it? Ji looked at his small words even five thousand individual panel above values ​​are not to sin, that staying away from the town is simply too blue a waste of time.


